Watch Online / A Reason to Live (2008)
Desc: A Reason to Live: Directed by Allen Mondell, Cynthia Salzman Mondell. With Deborah Rose. Young adults and their families from all walks of life recount their struggles with depression and suicide attempts. Josh, age 20, tried to jump off a bridge on a Dallas tollway. At 17, Haley swallowed 200 pills. And at 22, Armekia cut herself repeatedly with a razor to relieve the pain. 'When I was depressed, I had awful mood swings. It made me not want to do anything. Some people didn't want to hang out with me. My family couldn't understand why I was acting this way.' Lacy, age 19. The honesty and openness of these individuals bring us face to face with a mental illness that can result in the third leading cause of death among 15-24 year-olds.